Know Me
Clay Fields Hort - A Horticultural & Landscape Gardening Company
Being self-employed – means clients are always dealing with the business owner.
Qualified & experienced horticulturist/gardener:
- A Masters degree in Urban Horticulture (UniMelb), experience in a wide variety of gardens + problem-solving backgrounds in chemical engineering & TAFE teaching (IT).
- Landscape Design Institute (formerly AILDM)
- Green Roofs Australasia (GRA).
- Chainsaw Level 1.
- OH&S (White Card).
- AgVet Chemical Users + ACUP.
- Worksite Traffic Management.
- Police Check
- Working with Children Check.
Clay Fields Hort Provides -
- Mowing (one-off) & weed removal.
- Pruning, hedging & mulching.
- Shrub moving/removing.
- Cutting back shrubs and small trees.
- Garden irrigation – repair.
- Expert advice on plants & soils.
- Ecological plant selection (‘right plant’ for the site & conditions).
- Plant sourcing/planting.
- Rejuvenating gardens.
‘A well-designed garden is always a place of mystery, beauty and refreshment at the deepest level.’
– Elizabeth Goudge, novelist & social commentator.